How Online Therapy Works

Therapy to Meet Your Needs in Texas

Gone are the days where you have to sit on a therapist’s couch to receive therapy. A more modern approach is online therapy/counseling. In order to provide specialized counseling services throughout the state of Texas, Sagebrush Counseling offers online therapy to individuals. Learn more about the benefits of online therapy and how it can meet your needs wherever you live in Texas. Find out more about what we offer and our services to help you feel better and live a more fulfilling life.

The Benefits of Online Therapy

Flexible Scheduling

Life can be hectic, and finding time for therapy can be challenging. Online counseling allows you to schedule sessions that fit your busy lifestyle, including evenings and weekends. Opting for online therapy could offer added convenience, allowing you to schedule sessions at more suitable times, such as midday or evening.

Accessibility for Everyone

Online counseling breaks down geographical barriers, making it accessible to anyone, regardless of location. Whether you live in a bustling city or a remote area, quality mental health support is just a click away.

Comfort and Convenience

Imagine having therapy sessions in your own space. All you need is a comfortable spot that is distraction free. Online counseling allows you to choose the environment where you feel most at ease, reducing anxiety associated with traveling to an office.


Worried about running into someone you know at a therapist's office? Online counseling guarantees high privacy, allowing you to maintain confidentiality and discretion.

Online Therapy Works

Online therapy is shown to excel when compared to traditional face-to-face counseling. According to research conducted by the Center for Connected Health Policy, collaborating with a remote telemedicine-based care team can lead to superior results compared to traditional practice-based care with local staff.

The study also revealed that patients in the telemedicine-based group experienced more significant reductions in the severity of their symptoms over time. In summary, online counseling not only diminishes the severity of mental health symptoms over time but also delivers overall better outcomes compared to face-to-face sessions.

How Online Counseling Works in 3 Easy Steps

Schedule an Appointment

The first step is schedule your first appointment. Contact us to get started and send over times and days that work for you. We will get back to you within the same business day to get scheduled.

Fill Out Your Intake Forms

After scheduling your first session you will receive an intake packet sent right to your email. All you need to do is fill these out digitally. Once filled out you will receive a link to join your session. The same link will be used every week for your scheduled sessions.

Start Your First Session

Your first session is called an intake session where we will go over your goals and plan of action. From there, we will meet on a weekly or bi-weekly basis.